Monday, February 22, 2010

You'll simplify your life and feel inspired if you learn to play, rather than work, your way through life

We woke up today expecting a moderate snowfall, and it missed us!  So actually we were happy, because it is a work day, and I would have had to drive in it, and Dan would get up and clear the drive.  He did clear the drive, as we had a small amount of snow, but my drive to work was clear!  I listened to my library book on the way to and from work, with Dr. Christiane Northrup.  I am enjoying her books quite a bit.  I just read a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer called Your Ultimate Calling.  That was a good book, and quick read.  I would like to purchase that book.  Dan had a great supper ready for me when I got home tonight, as he usually does.  We had riced potatoes, and "chicken type" loaf with gravy, green beans, some bean salad.  Dan had a sweet potato, I do not care for these, and he had cranberry sauce.  All in all, very tasty.  Now I am about to put a loaf of bread in the oven.  Now it is in the oven, so 40 minutes to cook, and then cool!  Sounds like such a long time!  We will have some for breakfast, and lunch.  The picture is of the weekend as I was going for a walk, and the snowflakes were so big, I had to take a picture.  We seem to have had a lot of snow this winter, and we are above the annual average of snow fall for the year already.  I took a picture of some of my very favorite books.  Some are from the library, and I would like to own them all.  I cannot say they are my favorite, as who can pick favorites when there are so many books to choose from.  My favorites would change often.  These are some that I really enjoy right now.    Now go read a book!


Anonymous said...

Don't you just loooove the big snowflakes! They are gorgeous. They always make me feel comfy and cozy. The picture is nice too of the barn and the ground covered in snow. I am very interested in these Christiane Northrup Books as well.
Haha!! 'Now go read a good book.' I like that at the end as I need encouragement to finish my series. I do have a bit of free time so I am unsure as to why I haven't been reading so much!

Anonymous said...

We DO have a lot of snow this winter. I have to say I am not enjoying it. Have you taken out your snowshoes much this year ? If so...I haven't heard much about it. I wish I had a trail and some snowshoes.

I love your picture of the barn. It's surprisingly appealing to me. I never knew I appreciated the rural countryside so much (as I now realize). It's TRUE that you don't realize things until they escape your immediate grasp.

Anonymous said...

P.S... Norwegian squirrel press? I like that.