Don't I look happy to have made it! :) The third picture is of me and my friend Myrna. I thought I had erased these pics, but obviously did not.
This week has been espesially nice, weather wise. We have had days in the 60 degrees. Tomorrow we are to get snow, but it will not last long, so we will watch it, and enjoy it. It will be warmer and sunny already by Sunday.
Currently I have a pizza crust rising on the kitchen counter. It is whole wheat, and we really enjoy this recipe. We will be eating it wthin an hour!! I have set the bowl on a heating pad, to make it rise quickly. Dan is preparing the toppings for it. We will put peppers, onions, feta, olives, mushrooms, and tomatoes, and other things that Dan will come up with- it will be good.
Dan is preparing the seeds for the garden. Many of them need to be started right away in our house,so that they will be the right size to put out in the ground, at the correct time. That will take up a lot of his weekend. These fruits and vegetables will all be worth the work when they do "produce". There is nothing better than food that is that fresh.
I finished reading a book titled "In defence of Food". By Michael Pollan. It was another good book by him. It is well researched and discusses many questions that everybody who eats food (which is all of us) need to consider when we feed ourselves. Eating is something that should be done with pleasure, and for health, and done thoughtfully by educating yourself. I recommend this book, and any that he has written. I recently read "Omnivoe's Dilemna", writen by him, and it was excellent too.
Time to go finish making the pizza!!
Love the pictures. You and Myrna are such cute friends. Man, that granola sounds SO good. Thankfully I've been savoring the batch you sent last weekend. I'm hoping to stretch it through at LEAST Tuesday.
I'm looking forward to seeing the garden progress. Take pics of the stages, eh ?
Does Silas like granola quite a bit or something or are you just hoping he'll eat it ?
I posted a comment to this blog a while ago ???? Why in the world did it not show. ...Anyway, I love the picture of you with the granola. You look so pretty :) The glass jar looks really cool! And I would love to eat some of that yummy stuff.
I think it's so cool that you and dad are planning a garden. I can't wait to see pictures..and definitely take pictures of the progress as Amy suggested !!!
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