Saturday, August 14, 2010

Time marches on

August is here, and we have had hot humid weather.  The mosquitoes are plentiful too.  When I do go out to  water our flowers, go to the garden, or do anything outside, it is still necessary to wear long sleeves, and my hat, along with a mosquito net, and bug spray.  That is the way it is.  I am fortunate to have such a nice place to live.
The photos above are a Sunday that we went to Amy/Ana's place.  We brought a Savory Vegetable Cheesecake that I had made that morning.   They have a nice airy/bright flat.  The word flat suits their place better than "apartment".
The insect is a Japanese Beetle sitting on an eggplant leaf in our garden.  They do not usually do a lot of harm, but are not an insect we want in our garden. In the  picture you can see the purple eggplant below the leaves.  With it, and it was the only one we produced in the garden, I made eggplant parmesan.  It was very good. The recipe came from the September issue of Prevention magazine.  
That is a view from our kitchen window.  We like to watch the birds and hummingbirds.
Silas was over one day, and he insisted on wearing his batman outfit outside.  It was a hot day, with a dew point probably close to 70.  He would take off the mask until the sweat dried, then put it back on.  He enjoyed the disc swing quite a bit.

I just came across this short story, and thought it was thought provoking....

It is by Mark Twain, and follows:

  A man dies and meets Saint Peter at the pearly gates.  Immediately realizing that Saint Peter was a wise and knowledgeable individual, the man inquired, "Saint Peter, I have been interested in military history for many years.  Tell me who was the greatest general of all time?"
  Saint Peter quickly responded,  "Oh, that's a simple question.  It's that man right over there." 
  "You must be mistaken," responded the man, now very perplexed, "I knew that man on earth and he was just a common laborer."
  "That's right, my friend," assured Saint Peter. "He would have been the greatest general of all time, if he had been a general."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh MY GOODNESS! Can I just say that Silas in his batman outfit is the most hilarious thing I have seen and imagined in a long time!! How freakin' adorable is that story. And in the hot weather too !!! Hah !!!

It sounds like you had a good time at Amy and Ana's house. I like the view the picture is taken from. Bright does sound really like their flat. It looks that way. Very welcoming and clean...bright too!!!! The cheesecake looks interesting. I bet it was tasty. I am curious about what is all inside. Assorted veggies I imagine. How did it turn out ??!!!

The story by mark twain was quite thought provoking as you said. I read it to Robert because I enjoyed it so much, but he didn't understand....