This last day of 2010 has been a good one.
We slept in a little this morning, until eight! I watched Oprah, and JK Rowling was being interviewed. It was really interesting to watch. They are both really likable ladies. ;)
The day was warm and wet. It did not rain, but the temps were in the upper 40's so the snow is just about completely melted. I enjoyed a nice long walk out in the fresh air!
I mixed up 2 loaves of whole wheat/rye bread. I then made a large batch of granola. This time I made it wheat-free, just for the fun of it. I wanted to test the flavor. I used homemade applesauce, maple syrup, and raw honey to sweeten it. It turned out good! Dan made some burritos with tempeh, which were really good too! Currently I have some black beans in the crock pot. I made them with sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, and tomatoes. They smell pretty good, and we will eat them on corn tortillas, with feta cheese. I can freeze the extra for another day.
Due to popular demand, I am posting a video from Silas's Christmas program at school. He was fun to watch!
Hope you enjoy it too!!
2010 WAS a good one ! I agree ! How nice that you were able to sleep in in the morning. That always feels nice. I would LOVE to see JK Rowling on Oprah. I had seen an interview with her in it a long time ago, but forget very much most of it. I BET it was interesting !
Sounds like you are doing a lot of cooking/baking lately. But then again, I think you are always cooking and baking. I think that's lovely. I cannot wait until I become more familiar with German recipes and am able to whip up more things.
And Oh goodness gracious am I ever happy that you posted that video from Silo's christmas show. It was so precious and made me giggle, coo, and smile the entire way through :) Thank you for giving me my first smile of 2011 !!!
(I swear I commented on this LONG ago, I wonder if 'anything' went through on this PC 'that day'!?) : I ADORED these videos. I watched them both in their entirety, with much enthusiasm and many smiles and chuckles. He's the one that looks around at everyone else to see what's to be done, etc!, like I was! Ohh Silamo - how cute.
Mamita, 2011 shall be much grander than 2010. I know this, so be excited! I cannot imagine it any other way. I bet you'll get super good at knitting, have may more journeys and experiences (hopefully, along with pictures!) to reflect upon and enjoy. + me too, eh?! haha :-)
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