Birch trees are a popular subject of mine.
I made cole-slaw, and found the cabbage to be such a pretty color!
We got 5 inches of snow on this day. Snowy days are the best days to go outside.
This small tree looks like it is in a yoga pose..
This happens only once or twice during the winter, after a snowfall. Isn't is neat!!
YAY for two blog posts in ONE week !!! Oh my god, is it a special occasion that I am so lucky to read your blog TWICE !!! :O !
Birch trees are so beautiful. I love the way the bark peels off. They have an amazing antique look. I think that if a tree were to be an artist or a painter, a birth tree would be the best. The remind me of old barns that age with so much beauty.
The way the woods look as they are becoming dark is so mystical and magical, like you said. I can imagine all kinds of neat creatures living their lives in their and prancing around...
The farm house looks so great blanketed in to much snow. I wish I could have been there to experience it and see it through my eyes rather than in a picture. A picture is definitely better than nothing !!!
And I LOVE cabbage. Especially red cabbage boiled with apples and other seasonings. YUM !!! (one of my favs)
The yoga tree is HILAaaaaarious! How does a tree even GROW like that ??! What a crazy thing nature is. How does it DO what it DOES !
I hope to share these things with you in person sooner than soon.
Oh !!! And the picture of you is adorable :) Your lips look so soft. I am always picking mine and they never TRULY look soft and aren't hurting unless I cover them in chapstick or lipgloss. I love your warm hat as well. I always think these hats look so fashionable and pretty. This one looks good on you too ! Love the smile :)
Neat pictures, Mom! The fact that the cold doesn't deter you from going outside is admirable. I love that YOU LOVE to be outside, no matter how cold (I wish I was that ambitious). However, today 'here' it's 20F below wind-chill - I wonder if it's the same there (?). We didn't get any snow - it's going to snow tonight/tomorrow, though.
Birch trees ARE great: to look at, to sit by, to take pictures of, etc. I always liked to peel off the 'paper' and write on them (Molly, you remember that?!). Have YOU done that, Mom? :-) *hopefully that doesn't kill them or something (haha.. :|)
Yoga: You used to get magazines about yoga/meditation/etc -do you/have you ever done or wanted to start doing yoga? I suppose 'stretching' in some ways is LIKE varieties of yoga.
Someday you and I shall go on (another) nature stroll together. Until then - enjoy your day/s!
Those branches look like they're ready to throw snowballs. Now you have me thinking about blogging! If we don't write, no one will know who we are. I actually have that quote on a journal, so don't be impressed! Your salad sounds good, picture?
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