Sunday, January 31, 2010

AjJourney begins with a single step

Winter is a lovey time of year here in Wisconsin!  The snow is beautiful, and the air is crisp and clean.  I really enjoy getting outside every day that I am able to.  Snowshoeing is the usual way that I enjoy the snow.  I went for two walks today, and it was sunny and clear, and cold.  It was about 18 degrees F.  The cold air feels good!  I dress in warm layers!  I saw 20 deer today on my first walk.  They have very good hearing, and are very cautious, not wanting me to get too close.  They are fun to see.  A few weekends ago, we had a very pretty coating of frost on everything outside.  It is called "Hoar Crystals"  You can see it in my picture.  It looked like long filaments of ice on everything.  Very Pretty!!!  I was so glad to be able to go outside and witness it, as it is a rare occurance.  


Anonymous said...

The pictures are beautiful. Winter in Wisconsin is definitely like any other. Its something everyone should experience and snow shoeing is a great way to venture out into nature.

I never knew of the name 'hoar coats' for the frost. Do you know what Hoar means ??

Anonymous said...

MOM, I love that you made a blog. I'm going to follow it as closely as I can :) I adore the pictures- on all the entries. This one, the pictures are very beautiful and tranquil. I see why you like to walk so much. Very invigorating.